Exciting Updates to the BestRx Fax Feature
Posted on Aug 12, 2020
Receive and save faxes directly with BestRx. We have recently enhanced the fax feature of our software for pharmacies to make this process even easier. Not only are you able to save faxes directly into BestRx without the need to scan and print them, but you can also send any saved document as a fax directly from the system.
Inbound Faxes
Go completely paperless when it comes to faxing. Thanks to our e-faxing partners, a new dashboard tile or notification item will automatically be added to your screen. Here you will be notified of any new incoming faxes. From there, simply click the notification item to navigate to the screen where you can view all of your inbound faxes.
Outbound Faxes
Any of your documents stored within BestRx can now be easily sent directly from the BestRx program. This includes Rx images, patient documents, prescriber documents, etc. Simply display the document within the BestRx screen and click the “Fax” button towards the bottom. Items that are stored on your computer can also be easily faxed as well. Choose the “Send Fax” dashboard tile then browse to select the correct file from your computer. BestRx supports a variety of document types including:
- .doc
- .jpg
- .bmp
- .ng
- .tif
- .tiff
- .txt
Boost your daily operations with software for pharmacies that makes a difference. Learn more at BestRx.com.