Bring Your Pharmacy into 2020
Posted on Feb 12, 2020
Transitioning into 2020 brings not only a new year but an entirely new decade. As a pharmacy, it is integral to stay ahead of the curve regarding updates to the industry and the relevance of your business in the community. Bring your pharmacy into 2020 by keeping the following tips in mind.
Understand New Medications & Vaccination Policy
In the upcoming months, the FDA will be approving new drugs. Migraine and oncology medications are poised to have a strong impact as well as Merck’s Ebola vaccine. The latest edition of Drug Topics also includes an update to state vaccination laws for pharmacists.
Value Pharmacy Technicians
Freeing up the pharmacist’s time is an important component of operating an efficient pharmacy; however, it has been found that optimizing the role of pharmacy technicians is crucial to success. The recent editorial Annals of Pharmacotherapy discusses the value placed on support staff and pharmacy technicians and how it correlates to long-term advances in pharmacy care. Pharmacy Times offers an informative summary of this assertion that is worth exploring.
Integrate BestRx Technology
A local pharmacy has the advantage of offering personalized service that fosters trust and a sense of community among its patrons. The trick is to couple this feeling with the desire for efficiency and convenience these same patrons express when it comes to filling prescriptions and accessing pharmacy services. The BestRx pharmacy management software consists of a suite of services designed to make your business more competitive and profitable. Some of the general features include:
- Electronic Prescribing
- Electronic Refill Requests
- ID Scanning
- Patient Profile
- Advanced Reporting
- Inventory Management
Discover more advantages to integrating this technology into your pharmacy by visiting BestRx.com!