BestRx Is Partnering with InfiniTrak
Posted on Sep 26, 2023
To Provide a Fully Integrated DSCSA Compliance Solution for Independent Pharmacies
In preparation for the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) requirements that will impact pharmacies, BestRx is proud to announce its partnership with InfiniTrak, which will provide its pharmacy customers with access to an integrated, all-in-one compliance solution.
Enacted in 2015, DSCSA is an FDA mandate that is designed to keep illegitimate and dangerous pharmaceuticals out of the US drug supply chain and enhance patient safety. To do this, certain changes and the coordinated efforts of the entire healthcare supply chain will be needed.
What DSCSA Means for Pharmacies
The final phase, interoperability will affect all dispensers, including pharmacies. Moving forward, pharmacies must track and validate every drug that enters their inventory at the package level and be able to exchange transaction information electronically using secure EPCIS files. While these requirements may not be enforced by the FDA until after the Stabilization Period, which ends November 27, 2024, it is imperative that pharmacies continue to work on implementing these changes now.
How Our Partnership Can Help
Understanding the significant impact this will have for many pharmacies, InfiniTrak developed an affordable, all-in-one DSCSA compliance solution. The solution provides pharmacies with the ability to track all prescription drug orders through each stop in the supply chain and automatically aggregate all the associated data in one location. By partnering with BestRx, InfiniTrak is making implementation even easier for pharmacies, integrating their new compliance workflows, and required inventory data into their existing pharmacy software. The integration work is currently underway and will be made available to pharmacies later this year.
“InfiniTrak is doing their part to make sure the dispenser community is ready for the upcoming mandates, and partnerships with other forward-thinking companies help us to further facilitate industry readiness, during this “Stabilization Period” and beyond.” stated Sam Pizzo, InfiniTrak’s SVP of Strategic Alliances. “Integrating our all-in-one platform with leading pharmacy management systems like BestRx ensures dispensers are ahead of the game when it comes to compliance.”
“BestRx understands the significant impact DSCSA will have on the drug supply chain, patient safety, and the independent pharmacies we serve”, says Hemal Desai, President of BestRx. “That’s why we’ve been working behind the scenes on new integrations that will provide our network of pharmacies with access to solutions that help them remain compliant. By partnering with InfiniTrak, BestRx pharmacies can achieve full DSCSA compliance with an efficient solution that’s integrated with their pharmacy software.”
About InfiniTrak
InfiniTrak is a pioneer and industry leader in track and trace technology. InfiniTrak was created with the dispenser in mind, utilizing user-friendly solutions that automate and improve functionality which easily integrates into pharmacy operations and systems. The company’s intuitive tools make compliance easy, offering full DSCSA compliance for all the current, and upcoming, FDA mandates. InfiniTrak is based in Toledo, Ohio with Government Affairs and IT offices located in Ashburn, Virginia. For more information about InfiniTrak visit: www.infinitrak.us.