How BestRx Messaging Services Can Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Posted on Apr 12, 2020
Communication is always an important part of running any business, but now more than ever, being able to effectively communicate with our pharmacy customers is critical. The pharmacy management software provided by BestRx can allow you to reach customers with customized, timely, and relevant text messages and email campaigns.
– If you’re trying to minimize the number of customers in your establishment at any given time, use the messaging system to reach out to customers with designated pickup times.
– Remind customers what steps they can take to minimize contact while at your pharmacy by sending out an informative email about safe distancing, mask use, and what procedures you have put in place in your establishment.
– Educate your customers about COVID-19 prevention and signs and symptoms to look for in an email campaign, and include links and phone numbers that could be useful to them.
– Send text alerts about discounts or perks that you are offering to customers who may be experiencing financial difficulties at this time, and to customers who have jobs that are considered essential.
These are just a few ways that our pharmacy management software messaging services can help you maintain communication with customers during this uncharted and stressful time. Visit BestRx.com to learn more about this service, as well as our other pharmacy management services.