BestRx Helps Pharmacies Support Caregivers
Posted on Oct 28, 2021
In honor of National Caregiver’s Month, we’re taking a look at the important role Pharmacists play in supporting caregivers and how BestRX can help them administer safer, more efficient care. There are an estimated 66 million caregivers in the United States today and the vast majority of patients being supported by these caregivers are taking prescription medications. This means you are likely coming into contact with caregivers every day in your pharmacy.
To best support the caregivers and patients who frequent your pharmacy, communication is key. Be sure to:
- Ask questions and offer advice including the number of medications they are managing for the patient, whether they are experiencing any challenges or have questions.
- Avoid using complicated medical terminology to ensure instructions are easy to understand and the caregiver is clear about what they need to do.
- Double-check for understanding by asking the caregiver to repeat each medication’s directions and provide written instructions as well, so they have something to refer back to later.
- Inform them of all the supportive pharmacy services available to them. Many caregivers are unaware of the wide-range of services pharmacies offer that can make administering and managing medications easier.
In fact, by leveraging the advanced technology that’s readily available within Best Rx’s Pharmacy Management Software, you can help caregivers manage patient medications more efficiently while increasing medication adherence and patient safety at the same time. This includes:
- Conducting Medication Therapy Management sessions and Medication Reconciliation services with caregivers and patients. This involves a more in-depth discussion that reviews all the medications a patient is currently taking along with their use, dose, frequency, additional instructions and any adverse side effects to monitor for. This also provides the you with an opportunity to review any OTC medications the patient may be taking, including vitamins and supplements and to double-check for any potentially harmful drug interactions.
- Offering flexible delivery options including home delivery or curbside pickup as well as Medication Synchronization (Med-Sync) services to reduce the number of trips to pharmacy.
- Customized packaging options including providing pre-packed individual doses of all medications taken by a patient in a given day, complete with timing reminders.
- Translation services which enable you to provide label instructions in multiple languages for both the patient and caregiver.
By cultivating a collaborative relationship with caregivers, you can have a direct, positive impact on their success and the patient’s overall health. To learn more about BestRx Pharmacy Management System features you can utilize to support the caregivers at your pharmacy, request a free demo, or if you are an existing BestRx customer, contact customer support.